

    Public addressing system is available in all blocks of the Vidyalaya buildings.
    SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)/ NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority)
    School safety is a critical aspect of ensuring a secure and supportive environment for children, encompassing their journey from home to school and back. This involves preparedness for natural hazards such as earthquakes and floods, as well as human-made risks and transportation-related emergencies. A key component of safety is the establishment of systems and processes to mitigate risks and respond effectively. Schools must take proactive measures such as appointing a safety focal point teacher, sensitizing the school management committee, and training peer educators to promote a culture of awareness and readiness among students and staff. The integration of a centralized public address system further enhances communication during emergencies, enabling swift dissemination of warnings and instructions.
    A comprehensive School Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) plays a pivotal role in addressing potential emergencies. This plan includes clear evacuation routes, accessibility for emergency vehicles, and provisions for children with special needs, ensuring no one is left behind during a crisis. Stockpiling and regular maintenance of emergency equipment, coupled with organized procedures for releasing students during emergencies, are essential components. Additionally, a detailed site map indicating evacuation routes and assembly areas fosters clarity and reduces panic during critical situations. By prioritizing these measures, schools can create a safe and resilient learning environment for all.